GV Safety Group Annual WorkSafe Month Breakfast

The GV Safety Group is pleased to host the annual WorkSafe Month Breakfast.  This year, our speaker is Mr Wayne Schwass who is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness.  Since capturing Australia’s attention as one of the most successful football players in the AFL, Wayne has gone on to have a successful media career and share firsthand experience of mental illness in the workplace, making a name for himself as an advocate for mental health with his passion for health, wellbeing and talking openly about mental health. Launched in 2017, Puka Up is a social enterprise focusing on mental health, emotional wellbeing and importantly ******* prevention.  According to Wayne, the Puka Up vision is to create the environments for every person to have authentic and genuine conversations about mental health and emotional wellbeing.  Come and enjoy a buffet breakfast and listen to Wayne’s inspiring story. Please note that 2019 GV Safety Group Members can access free tickets for this event – please contact gvsafetygroup@gmail.com for details. 

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