Executive Order 01.01.2018.26 (Amended Executive Order 01.01.2009.13) was signed by Governor Larry Hogan on October 11, 2018 to modernize the Governor’s Commission on ******* Prevention (the Commission). The Commission was created to strengthen and coordinate the state’s ******* prevention, intervention, and postvention services. The amended executive order expands the existing commission membership to be more representative in age, profession, and life experience as well as more clearly aligns the commission’s duties with changing times. Read the Governor Hogan’s press release announcing the signed Executive Order. The Commission was originally established in 2009 by Executive Order 01.01.2009.13. The work of the Commission is aligned with national ******* prevention efforts, especially in the State’s historic and continuing emphasis on youth ******* prevention. The Commissioner’s initial plan was submitted to the Governor in 2012. An updated plan was submitted in 2018 and built upon the progress of the previous plan, as well as create new initiatives that fit the current needs of the State. Read the 2018 Plan here. This 2018 ******* Prevention Plan of the Governor’s Commission on ******* Prevention presents an update of current data and information on resources and initiatives taking place in Maryland. Additionally, the following four goals, with corresponding objectives, are offered to guide ******* prevention efforts in the State: Goal 1: Integrate and coordinate ******* prevention activities across multiple sectors and settings. Goal 2: Develop, implement, and monitor effective programs that promote wellness and prevent ******* and related behaviors. Goal 3: Promote ******* prevention as a core component of health care services. Promote the adoption of “zero suicides” as an aspirational goal by health care and community support systems that provide services and support to defined patient populations. Goal 4: Increase the timeliness and usefulness of surveillance systems relevant to ******* prevention and improve the ability to collect, analyze, and use this information for action.