Girl Power Book

BOOK IS $13 Plus Shipping INCLUDE YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS WHEN PLACING YOUR BOOK ORDER. If you would like the book signed by the author include name. Feel free to email us any ideas, comment or suggestions at sandysland@ For additional questions call 313-492-6953. We appreciate your support!   Girl Power Discover the Princess Within is an inspirational story and journal for Girls of all ages. Lavender is a beautiful girl who lacks confidence in herself. She wishes to have all the fun and glamour like the most popular girls at her school, but she later discovers that everything that glitters on the outside does not shine within. Readers will learn how to identify a BULLY and defuse their violent behavior; grow healthy friendships, explore their imagination, discover the benefits of journaling their thoughts and enjoy GIRLY TIPS to increase their self-confidence. Girl Power Discover the Princess Within is a great tool for self esteem building. It will help Girls to turn up the volume on their personal Power and they will learn that every Girl is a Princess…be prepared to be INSPIRED!   Written and Illustrated by Sandra Epps who is a **** painter, business owner, speaker and inspirational author.   Get a FREE Gift with each book purchase. Shipping is added in the price. Remember to include your mailing address and the name of the person the book will be autograph to. Thank you for your Book Purchase!   (SOLD OUT) NEW SHIRTS WILL BE POSTED SOON ALONG WITH PANTS AND BAG DESIGNS STAY TUNED   She can affirm her Girl Power with this rhinestone Princess pink tee shirt $15 for children small, medium and large   plus $3 shipping and handeling. THANK YOU!     Statistics   62% of Girls are insecure about themselves. 7 in 10 Girls believe that they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way including their looks, performance in school and relationship with friends and family members. 75% of Girls with low self-esteem report engaging in negative activities such as eating disorders, cutting, smoking or drinking when feeling bad about themselves. 57% of Girls have Mothers who criticizes her looks are less likely to share things with their parent because they don’t want them to think bad of them. 34% of Girls with low-self-esteem are less likely to receive praise from parents but criticism. Parents, Aunts, Grand-Mothers, Friends, God Parents, Uncles… can start today to include Positive reinforcement in a GIRL’S Life with the purchase of Girl Power Discover the Princess Within! Let’s keep our Beautiful PRINCESSES Encouraged.

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