Get Certified as a Prepare Enrich Relationship/Couples Fa…

To build better relationships,you need the right tools. If you want to help couples, let PREPARE/ENRICH help you! Helping couples with their relationship is not an easy task. How do you stimulate the right kind of conversation with an engaged couple? What types of issues should a married couple focus on? Which assessment tools are the most effective? What sort of materials allow couples to get the most from their time and effort? For over thirty years, PREPARE/ENRICH has served as the perfect guide for helping couples explore and strengthen their relationships. Built on a solid research foundation, PREPARE/ENRICH has been improved and refined over the years to become one of the best, most effective, easy-to-use resources available. PREPARE/ENRICH is a scientifically proven program that will help you make a significant impact in the lives of premarital & married couples. Whether you’re a counselor, clergy,mental health professional, mentor or relationship expert, PREPARE/ENRICH is the ideal tool to help you do your job better. Prepare couples for success. To find the right answers, couples need to ask the right questions. PREPARE/ENRICH provides those questions, along with all the other materials you need to help couples thrive.  PREPARE/ENRICH is a customized online assessment tool that identifies each couple’s unique strength and growth areas. Based on their assessment results, you provide feedback sessions,helping couples to discuss and understand their results while you teach them proven relationship skills. With PREPARE/ENRICH, you don’t just get a packet of instructions to figure out on our own. You’ll get certification training on the program, providing you with the skills you need to use the PREPARE/ENRICH materials most effectively. You’ll learn how to: •Administer the online assessment •Interpret the results •Provide feedback to couples •Guide couples’ exercises •Teach relationship skills •Work effectively with couples Prepare Enrich enables relationship coaches, adoption workers, foster care workers and chaplains, along with leaders in faith communities and government agencies, to quickly and objectively gain a snap shot of a couple’s relationship to inform their work.  As a professional, you will benefit from the customized insights and related skill building exercises to help couples enrich and improve their relationship. Help couples build, renew or restore their relationship.  Get certified in PREPARE/ENRICH and start making a difference in couples lives today!  

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