GARNet Advances in Plant Imaging Workshop

GARNet Workshop on Advances in Plant Imaging Meeting Website: Many plant scientists are using advanced imaging technology as part of their cutting-edge research programs. This workshop will highlight uses of different imaging technologies across scales, from single molecule to whole organism workshop will introduce these tools and techniques, providing valuable information for both early career and more senior researchers. It is primarily aimed at early career researchers who are interested in learning about a range of techniques that they might use in their research. Moreever we provide excellent opportunities to discuss their research with invited speakers so as to benefit from their this workshop takes place only over two days we include an extended poster session to encourage discussions  as well as a the opportunity for delegates to introduce their posters with a short talk at the start of the meeting. The meeting includes a conference dinner on Monday 9th September. Information about travel to Coventry and Accommodation at the University of Warwick can be found at the meeting website. Early bird registration ends of July 22nd 2019. Final workshop registration ends on August 20th 2019. Poster abstracts must be submitted in a Word document to Geraint Parry ( by July 22nd. Please include Title, Author names, Author affiliations, Abstract text (mamximum 300 words). Please indicate if you are willing to provide a short 2minute talk to introduce your poster. Posters must in portrait orientation with a maximum size of A0. All meeting attendee names and email addresses will be included in an abstract book. This will be published on the GARNet website. If you like your name omitted from the abstract book then please tell Geraint Parry. If you have any dietary requirements (aside from beiung vegetarian) then please contact Geraint Parry with the relevant information.

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