FREE CERT Class Sept-Oct 2019 -Orange County FL (3 Evenin…

CLASS DATES: Thursday September 26, October 3 & 10  from 6:30pm-9:15pm                            Saturday October 12 from 8:30am-5pm  *Class may be canceled and rescheduled if the minimum of 16 students have not registered. Learn what to do in a Disaster or Emergency Event. Start a team in your neighborhood! As a volunteer CERT member, you will learn life-saving skills for major emergencies including hurricanes, floods and fires.   You will also learn about fire suppression & injury care for everyday situations.  As a CERT graduate, your skills will be valuable to you, your family and your community in the event of a major disaster.    CERT members assist in their neighborhoods and also play an important community safety role, as well as support professional emergency first responders in the event of an emergency. FAQs Free course for Orange County Residents. Prerequisite: Completion of the free online Intro to CERT (IS 317) to attend our Basic CERT course. Here is the link: Please bring a printout of your IS 317 certificate on the first day of class. Participants must attend all days to graduate. Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? Yes, minimum age is 16 years old. Participants that are 16-18 years old must be accompanied by their parent.   How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Natalie Chavez: email: phone:407-836-9827

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