EST Search & Review Clinic, 24 September 2019 (Exeter)

Searching and Review Clinics These clinics have been set up to help the PenCLAHRC Evidence Synthesis Team to manage and respond to systematic review related queries from within the geographical area covered by PenCLAHRC.  Whether you are an academic or an NHS professional who needs to know where to start on the systematic review process or how to go about designing a search strategy, you can book a half hour appointment with one of our reviewers or information specialists.  Please visit our web page for further details: how our researchers can help you terms and conditions of booking clinic locations future dates  FAQs Please note:  In order to enable the team to respond to as many requests for assistance as possible in the allocated time, you may book a maximum of 2 appointments per clinic.  Any additional bookings made for the same clinic by or on behalf of the same person will be declined.   You may book further appointments at future clinics if required. ***This session will take place in Exeter, South Cloisters, room 2.35***

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