Enhancement Foundation's Christmas Season of Celebration …

Join The Enhancement Foundation for an Evening of Awareness, Honor, Determination, Gift-Giving, Joy and Celebration – All Are Welcome! Richmond, VA —– (SEPTEMBER 27, 2019) With a vision and focus to pro-actively serve as a catalyst for effective change for all women and their children, it is the Enhancement Foundation (TEF)’s goal is to promote productive healthy lives while building future legacies for the next generation of women.   During this event gathering, (TEF)’s focus and proactive measurewill be directed toward providing a platform for where wisdom and awareness, empowerment, honor, support and resources to assist women can occur. This special event will assist all women in the following:  (1)ascertaining more information about the Lupus disease, while exploring better nutritional and healthy options;   (2) supporting needed research efforts to ensure the power of science to drive new treatments to prevent continued disease progression, while yet finding a cure and;   (3) creatingan atmosphere oftestimonial experience, love, giving and receiving and a celebration of Christmas for all women, their children and others.   This overwhelming disease Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE or Lupus)is an autoimmune disease where one’s immune system attacks healthy cells.  Lupus can potentially damage many parts of the body and its affects are more common among women of African American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American and Pacific Islanders descent, followed by Caucasian women as well as a small number of men. Come Complimenting a Season of Cleansing, New Birth, Celebration, & Victory!  Life is Golden! An Exciting Evening Program of Events:  Registration Pre-Function Time: 4:00 P.M.  A mix and mingle networking support | shopping & exploring the exhibits and vendors  Music & Entertainment | Noted Guest Speakers & Presenters |Testimonials from the Real Lupus Champions | Dinner | A Mini Special Fashion Show by Dillards |Comedy |A Silent Auction| Gift Giving & Special Activities | Toys For Tots | An Inspirational Powerhouse Speaker | Photo Shoot – Step & Repeat – A Proclamation from both the Governor and Mayor is expected.    Deadline: October 31, 2019 for Sponsors, Vendors, Advertisements & For Tickets– For More Info visit: Email: Programs@ Discount Group rate availability for (10 or more tickets) Among Our Partners, Supporters,  & Sponsors This Year:  GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): (8thlargest a science-led global healthcare company pharmaceutical company (Gold Sponsor) |(VCU) Rheumatology Department-Health Systems | The Allison Breast Center| Global Executive Staffing, LLC | Whole Foods| Law Offices of Vicky L. Orem | Good Foods Grocery | Hilton | Stony Point CineBistro | Dillards | Cheesecake Factory | Firebird’s Restaurant | Vistaprint  | Olive Garden | Michaela’s Bakery | FeelGood Gospel | Toys-for Tots | Paparazzi | USSMC | Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry | Lupus Foundation | Lupus Research Alliance & Others. BRENDA CAMPBELL, CHIQUITA CROSS, DR. STAMATINA DANIELIDES, CINDY FINKE, TONYA LEWIS, CHRYSTAL RUCKER, GSK, DR. APOSTLE SYLVIA CUNNINGHAM, CHRISTMAS: A SEASON OF CELEBRATION, GOSPEL, GOSPEL MUSIC, GOSPEL MUSIC NEWS, HEALTH NEWS, LUPUS FUNDRAISERLUPUS CHAMPIONS, CHRISTMAS SEASON CELEBRATION, SHEILAH BELLE

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