Electric Forest Tribe (PLEASE READ ALL POSTS)

Hey guys, this will assist in communication in my attempts of getting a squad for Electric Forest. PLEASE PLEASE I can’t emphasize enough, please RSVP accurately, and if your a maybe, I should know what the wait is about because tickets are not something to **** around with right now. My goal is to get GROUP CAMPING and in order to do that we must have 20 tickets bought before I purchase a «group» camp site. And these are very limited, and SEL OUT QUICKLY. Don’t let money be a reason to doubt this opportunity when you are given an abundance of notice to figure how to make this work. This will be one of the best experiences of your life if you make it. PLEASE stay up to date with everyone UNTIL WE’VE PURCHASED THE CAMP SITE. Feel free to check out the site; watch some trailers for more details. (Electricforestfestival.com) I can’t emphasize enough on these two things: 1. The single most challenging thing about planning this kind of event is that everyone’s down for the count until we discuss prices. Don’t limit your life because of money. 2. If group camping gets sold out, this big scheme will lose a good HALF of its significance. The campground will serve as a safe space and and a headquarters. It will play a big part in this adventure, so it’s very crucial * THAT WE MEET THE 20 PERSONS WITH PAYED WRISTBANDS AT TIME OF THE GROUP-CAMP PURCHASE* so that we can successfully obtain tickets before they’re very quickly sold out. (Could be in the first five minutes, and I don’t know the release date just yet). But if it turns out we do not make enough, we can find some extended fam to join in. But I would like for everyone close to get the first opportunity to be a part of this. Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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