Duke of Ed Level 2 Award Leader Training – 27 Aug 2020

To help you administer the Award and work with the Online Record Book, we are running an Award Leader Level 2 training session. In line with National Award Authority policies, it is a requirement that all Award Leaders are trained up to Level 2. NOTE: Level 1 Leader content will be covered in a pre-learning format prior to attending Level 2. Level 2 Leader Training covers the following topics: Structure and Governance: Licenses, policy, handbook Online Record Book Administration and record keeping (including volunteers, activity providers) Risk Management Adventurous Journey management Promoting and communicating the Award Alumni – Overview Linking with school and other organisations curriculum. NOTE: The cost of attendance is covered under your annual Award Centre licence fee. Lunch is included. You will receive relevant materials as well as access to valuable resources on the day. Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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