Picaluna and The Natural Death Care Centre present a 2.5 day workshop specifically designed for existing or aspiring funeral celebrants Presented by the incredible Zenith Verago, who has over 25 years of embodied experience with death, dying and loss. In the first 2 days modules covered are; 1. Exploring dying, death and loss, for ourselves and those we work with.2. Consulting with dying people and bereaved families.3. Ceremony structure, content and co ordination.4. Working with families for sudden, challenging or more complex deaths. Elizabeth Trevan, Sarah Tolmie and Kathryn Breusch will also be contributing, and these powerful women come with a rich and broad knowledge of funeral directing and celebrancy. On day 3 Greg Inglis will introduce you to the software used by Picaluna to arrange and project manage funerals.