Primary Night Club will be bangin’ harder than usual on April Fools Day with #HousebrokenChi’s third installment of DJ’s in DRAG! This year more hilarity will ensue in this cat fight themed event and will be a benefit for Chicago’s Harmony House, a no-****/cage-less animal shelter. As if this is not wild & feral enough, DJ’s in DRAG «Cat Fight” will feature the hottest boy DJ’s with some of the sexiest beats around who will dress to impress for the ******* in the pound, pound, pound… Lady Boys of the night: 3am DEREK SPECS & PHIL RIZZO [Primary Night Club//Twist & Fader] 2am MR. BOBBY & NATURAL SELECTION [Bobby’s World//HousebrokenChi] 1am DJ NIEKO vs. K’NEX [Caution Events//Eclectic Grooves//ToyMakerMusic//HousebrokenMI] 12am JOSH NASTER vs. MARK BAUER [Twist & Fader//Positive Vibes//MIA//The Pool House//Transplant//Tight Grooves//Hocus Pocus//Soak Music//Get High//Vainglory//Lw Recordings//Spoiled Rotten//HousebrokenChi] 11:20pm JOHNNY NONSTOP vs. TIMX [Sin Label//Act Natural//Primary//Throwback Family] 10:40pm JERRY COLA [Portland, OR] 10pm DJ KIDD [Power Productions] Ages 21+ // $20 – $30
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