Diving With Sharks – A Responsible Approach with Cristina…

Good for: Shark enthusiasts, divers, and those interested in learning how to dive responsibly with marine life. Complimentary virtual presentation: July 25 at 1 pm Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81493785928?pwd=THFlQTV3VjZQemF6NVFiandaZ3Judz09 Meeting ID: 814 9378 5928 Password: 048731 During her presentation, she will take you on a deep dive and show you how to find shark encounters, showing different options, explain how to prepare for the trip, and how to prepare for the encounter in the water through a series of rules she created and personally follows for her own trips to encounter sharks and to train people. A professional diver since 1994, Cristina is an ocean and cave explorer, a shark expert, a speaker, writer, and conservationist. Among her qualifications, she is a Course Director, an advanced cave diving instructor, and a mixed gas and rebreather instructor and she shares her time between teaching at professional and technical levels, working with sharks, exploring and mapping underwater cave systems and education. Cristina is known for her special relationship with her local sharks and her passion for promoting the protection of all sharks in the world.

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