This 4-day workshop is for all skill levels from beginner toadvanced. The first half of each day Penix will paint a painting froma photo to demonstrate his process from start to finish using oilpaint. The second half of the day the students will paint with Penix’sguidance. Students are also welcome to bring a painting previouslypainted for Penix to will use oils (acrylics are allowed as well) to paint fromphotos. They will have a choice of dozens of photographs consisting ofboats, cityscapes, figures, and fish. Students will also have theoption to paint from their own photos if they List:3-4 smaller oil primed smaller canvases around 12×12, and 9×12 in sizeor sizes you would #6, #4, #2, #0pallet knife,portable easelGamsol thinnerI tend to use the following colors but you can use your own preferredpallet if desired. Brand of paint does not whiteCad Yellow lightCad yellow mediumCad yellow deepCad orangeCad red lightPermanent roseCerulean blueCobalt blueUltramarine blueViridian GreenYellow OchreVandyke brown