C)SWAE — Certified Secure Web Application Engineer / CP-M2CSWAE1 Organizations and governments fall victim to internet based attacks every day. In many cases, web attacks could be thwarted but hackers, organized criminal gangs and foreign agents are able to exploit weaknesses in web applications. The Secure Web Programmer knows how to identify, mitigate and defend against all attacks through designing and building systems resistant to failure. The Secure Web Application Developer knows how to develop web applications that are not subject to common vulnerabilities as well as how to test their applications and validate that they are secure, reliable and resistant to attack. The vendor neutral Certified Secure Web Application Engineer certification provides the developer with a thorough and broad understanding of secure application concepts, principles and standards. The student will be able to design, develop and test web applications that provide reliable web services which meet functional business requirements and satisfy compliance and assurance needs. The Certified Secure Web Application Engineer course is delivered by high level OWASP experts. Students can expect to obtain real-world security knowledge that enables them to recognize vulnerabilities, exploit system weaknesses and help safeguard against application threats. At the end of the course, students will be prepared to take the C)SWAE Exam. Prerequisites: 24 months minimum of experience in software technologies and security Sound knowledge of networking At least one coding language Linux understanding Open shell Length: 5 days Price: 5 days x $493 per day = $2465 for Onsite and Live Remote courses; Self Paced $950. NOTE: The cost of this course may be covered by funds from the Homeland Security Grant Program. Funds may cover the cost of registration, travel, lodging, per-diem, backfill or overtime. **Also, for enrollment of more than 2 people, please call Stronger International at 1-877-810-7898 during office hours (9-5 PST) or email info@ for direct payment or arrangement of ACH payments. Dates: Onsite: Classes start at 9am Pacific time and go until 5pm each day. Live remote: Classes start at 7am Pacific time and go until 2pm Pacific time each day. Self paced can start at any time and is valid for one year. Audience: Coders Web Application Engineers IS Managers Application Engineers Developers Programmers