CSW – Core Skills Training – Court Skills

Court Skills The presentation will be split into three parts: Part 1 – PREPARATION AND PROCEDURE PRIOR TO COURT Record Keeping Precognitions/Affidavits Citations Productions   Part 2 – SETTING THE SCENE The role of the Sheriff The role of the solicitor The role of the clerk The Bar Officer Witnesses Evidence Confidentiality The Proof   Part 3 – GIVING EVIDENCE Examination in Chief Refreshing memory from notes Opinion Evidence Cross Examination Re-examination Sheriff’s questions Dates available:  09:00 – 12:00 as follows: Court Skills Training 9.00-12.00   Venue – Marischal College 22nd February 2-W-01 29th March 2-W-01 26th April 2-W-01 31st May 2-W-01 28th June 2-W-01 26th July 2-W-01 30th August 2-W-01 27th September 2-W-01 25th October 2-W-01 29th November 2-W-01 Participants of all training should take a note of the venue of the training they are attending before setting out.  If your training  is in Marischal College,  report to reception who  will allow you through the barriers as long as you are wearing your ID Badge.  Then make your way to the specified room. The Rooms will have the format of  The Floor, followed by the wing of the building North , South or West , followed by the room number i.e. 4-W-01 (Fourth Floor, west wing, room 01)

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