Facilitator Mike Jervis Do you want to learn how to prevent gang and youth violence? Then join our comprehensive and practical training course based on years of grassroots experience. Learn about gangs, gang legislation, gang culture, how they operate in different communities, girls and gangs, working with families, how to prevent gang recruitment and safeguard vulnerable young people and how to implement gang prevention programs for frontline staff. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, you will have an enhanced understanding of: The way gangs are defined and how gang violence is measured Territorial conflicts, county lines and postcode wars The risk factors for gang membership, and the warning signs that a young person is in a gang The role women and girls play in gangs and why they join Sexual exploitation in gangs Identifying the windows of opportunity for intervention Racial bias regarding gangs and how to challenge thinking about violent youth The importance of inter-agency cooperation and early intervention Methods for schools to handle at-risk and disruptive students The role of police, hospitals, and third sector groups in preventing gang recruitment and violence Course Learning Outcomes: Understand gang narratives Recognise the current threat picture and how it evolves Ability to identify recruitment processes Characterise people’s vulnerabilities to gang activity Build capacity by strengthening community groups Fulfil roles and responsibilities as part of ‘‘Prevent’’ Create an intervention plan to reduce serious violence Recognise, assess, provide appropriate support Make effective referrals