Copy of PARASITES: The Epidemic Ruining Health and 5 Step…

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!   Come and learn how and why parasite/worm infections have become are a modern day EPIDEMIC, ruining health of ALL ages.    It has been reported that between 85-95% of the population have parasites but don’t even know!   These pesky critters rob your nutrients, drain your energy, and take control of your mind – making it a struggle just to get through the days – aka – surviving instead of THRIVING!      Do you eat well, exercise, take supplements yet still seem unable to get rid of your symptoms?  I’m talking about the weight that wont shift, the fatigue, insomnia, food cravings, pain, autoimmune disorders, inflammation, and so much more…….. Unfortunately, the TIME, MONEY and EFFORT you put into healthy living can be completely undermined when carrying an underlying parasite infection.   This 2 hour workshop will cover; The many causes of parasite infections and how we are exposed The long list of symptoms that indicate a parasite infection  A simple questionnaire to determine the likeliness you have parasites The 5 steps to TREAT infections naturally and PREVENT future infection The tools needed to reduce modern day stress and toxicity and restore and rebalance your WHOLE body Time to ask questions, share information, swap stories, and get answers for your specific needs Once FREE from parasites you can expect; Weight loss and maintain your ideal weight Increased energy (no more Fatigue!) Improved Digestion and gut function – no more bloated tummy  Food and sugar cravings be GONE  Mental clarity and focus Positive mindset and feeling motivated Ability to make decisions and achieve your life goals with more ease and flow  Glowing skin, healthier and stronger hair and nails  Could PARASITES be a MISSING PIECE to your HEALTH puzzle?   Here are some lovely testimonials from those who have attended previous workshops;  “What an amazing workshop for the Parasite cleanse. Highly recommend to all. Learnt so much valuable info. Very much looking forward to an appointment to help heal our family. Thank you so much for all your help so far!”  Sharleen Fox  «I did Rebecca’s parasite cleanse last month, lost 5.3 kgs, and all my cravings, was not hungry at all, every single recipe was delicious, would highly recommend it to everyone».  Patricia Spencer «A shout out to Rebecca Rowe who is doing AMAZING things in the detox space, especially when it comes to eliminating parasites, and combating chronic health issues. If you get a chance to join her for one of her Workshops, please do! She is a wealth of knowledge in this area and a complete testament to it».  Krishna Everson «I was at my wits end with my health from feeling constantly tired, bloated, sensitive to foods along with digestive and bowel issues – feeling like a mess really.  I was referred to Rebecca via a friend. I thought it might be good to do a Parasite cleanse detox and start from scratch. Rebecca was lovely when contacting her and she said that doing a parasite cleanse is a great way of eliminating things in the system – so to speak. I received my pack in the mail and set aside the weeks where I would adhere to it.  The benefits in doing this cleanse has been amazing – my digestion has improved, mind is clearer and am feeling lighter. Thank you Rebecca for your support, products and knowledge and making me feel healthier and on my road to wellness again. I am very happy I found you».  Taryn King. If you have any questions please reach out and send your queries to info@ I look forward to supporting you on your wellness journey.   Rebecca Rowe. Cleanse Strategist, Nutritionist & Reiki Master.  

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