A half hour talk with additional time available for questions and discussion. The Climate Emergency is the issue of the year and is sure to occupy us for many years in future Overall it will be a greater challenge to handle than Brexit Some encouraging signs have emerged: both popular protests and at governmental level, but as yet these are far from sufficient. For most industrialized nations energy is the key issue but we need to change the whole way society and our economy works. How do we achieve such technological, social and behaviour change? This event is organised by the Labour Party and of course everyone is welcome to attend, whatever their political affiliations. Climate change is a challenge that unites us all. I will discuss: The nature of the problem Technology and Society Political Action Energy – A Key Subject Getting to Net-Zero emissions What can we do, locally as well as nationally and internationally? I am Nigel Doggett, and I have an MSc in Climate Change and Policy from the University of Sussex and I write on environmental and political issues for Chartist magazine