Cambridge Insight Real Love Daylong Benefit

This workshop will be held in Washburn Hall at Lesley University, 10 Phillips Place, Cambridge, MA. We all live our lives searching for a sense of belonging, whether consciously or unconsciously. Yet we often find ourselves feeling cut off and alone. What holds us back from connecting with one another or with our core emotional needs? In this benefit workshop Sharon Salzberg will explore the art of mindful connection; with ourselves, one another and all of life. Give your heart a much-needed opportunity to connect to the truest experience of love in your daily life. Together we’ll look at how we might dispel cultural and emotional habits that are obstacles to connection, direct focused care and attention to reclaim the essence of what it is to love and be loved an experience authentic love based on direct experience rather than preconceptions. Your registration includes a hard-cover copy of Sharon’s forthcoming book Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection. Real Love is a creative tool kit of mindfulness exercises and meditation techniques that help you to truly engage with your present experience and create deeper love relationships with yourself, your partner, your friends and family, and with life itself. Additional copies of Sharon’s book will be available to purchase. | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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