Cacao Ceremony

 Cacao Ceremony: Celebrate the Arrival of the Seasons Fall Equinox: September 20, 2019 Winter Solstice:  December 20, 2019 Spring Equinox:  April 17, 2020 Summer Solstice: June 19, 2020 Friday nights 7-10pm Sacred Cacao Ceremony with Madhuri and Krishna: Mother Cacao helps to open the door to the emotional heart and facilitate the healing one longs for by allowing for full expression of unresolved feelings. Known as the Food of the God, **** Cacao gives access to other realms where we can freely access and experience our subconscious mind, allowing us to experience and assimilate what lies under the surface of our daily consciousness. Used in ceremony for thousands of years, Cacao is regarded as a Sacred Plant that embodies the loving energy of the Divine Mother. Join us for an evening of healing, expression, medicine songs, meditation and a talking circle as we sit together in ceremony with this ancient heart medicine.  

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