Bundaberg Property Management Training Bundaberg Business Enterprise Centre, Bundaberg | Wednesday 13th November 2019 Session outline | What will be covered Rent arrears – Best practice procedures, the law and QCAT Stacey Holt from Real Estate Excellence will present the following property management education and training workshop focusing on the following; Rent arrears – tips on educating tenants to prevent arrears Federal legislation on how many times is acceptable to contact people in ‘debt’ Tips on communication with tenants in arrears Best practice procedures for rent arrears Completion of the Form 11 and Form 12 for rent arrears Notice periods for the Form 11 and Form 12 for rent arrears Communication with the lessor tips Repeated rent arrear breaches QCAT application for rent arrears – termination/warrant of possession Registrations Register via email to save the online booking fee Dietary Requirements, workbooks & tickets The training event includes morning/afternoon tea. Please advise of any dietary requirements at least seven day prior to event by email to The workbook for the training will be emailed to registered attendees email address for printing or uploading to your device to bring to the event prior to the training day. Please bring your ticket on the day to register for the training.