Breaking the Bounds: Walking London and Beyond (on the ra…

THE NEWS AGENTS, hybrid show curated by jude Cowan Montague

Broadcast on Resonance 104.4 FM,DAB in the London area and on listen again on mixcloud

BREAKING THE BOUNDS: Walking London and Beyond’ Artists Rebecca Feiner and Calum F Kerr are discussing alternative ways of walking London with Charlie Fox (Counterproductions, Inspiral London) and Clare Qualmann (walking artists network, walkwalkwalk, Perambulator). With an appearance by J. D. Swann, Muswell Hill’s leading Ornithological Investigator. Rebecca will be wielding a bell in case anyone should lapse into all too familiar walking words (Psychogeography, Iain Sinc…) Talking to Clare Qualmann about walkwalkwalk and the shifting terrain of the ‘near’ East End, the Perambulator project – everyday walking and re-discovering the minutiae of the city with children, the East End jam project – which has thrown up a lot on bye laws that forbid the picking of fruit/berries. There will be recorded sounds from Clare’s walking projects. | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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