Botanical Drawing Workshop

This is the last of four workshops (No.4 Autumn) offering an introduction to the world of botanical art. Each day is a stand-alone workshop, using seasonal subject matter and giving instruction in different aspects of this field of art. The basic techniques, however, are common to all four sessions so that your skills and knowledge can accumulate over the year. Our subject matter for this workshop will be glorious leaves and berries, as the season provides. We will be creating full-colour pictures with the medium of coloured pencils, the culmination of all aspects of instruction. You can choose to join any or all of the workshops, each has a separate booking page. All four are described below. Suitable for any level of art experience, from beginner to advanced.   What to expect The workshops are held in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Full tuition is given, as well as lots of support and encouragement. No question is a silly one, everyone can work at their own pace, and all artwork is respected. The aim is to learn new skills in a welcoming environment, enjoy the experience, and go home with a finished piece of artwork. Refreshments of tea and coffee and Jane’s homemade cake will be provided. There will be a lunch break for those who wish it, or you can continue drawing without a break – you can either bring your own lunch or pop out to a nice café nearby.   The subject  Whether you are a lover of flowers or a grower of vegetables, or you are simply seeking a new interest, the botanical world can inspire and challenge. You will be shown how to use pencils and how to represent three dimensional form with light and shade. You will have instruction on composing a pleasing picture, and explore texture, detail, colour and tone. Traditionally botanical artwork is life-size, and involves concentration and close observation. It is time-taking! As opposed to the stricter and more scientific botanical illustration, botanical art allows for personal style and considers aesthetics. All the images shown on the workshop pages are Jane’s demonstration pieces (some pencilwork, some watercolour), executed for classes to aid student learning.   The materials  All materials are provided, and explanatory handouts will be given.  For your use on the day will be:   Botanical subject matter Graphite pencils Artists coloured pencils Quality paper Rubbers Other equipment to experiment with as relevant   The four workshops  Each day is a stand-alone workshop, but over the year the techniques and materials involved will build gradually. Instruction in ‘the basics’ will always be given at each session, but in addition the aim is to offer new and different skills and approaches on each day. Each workshop is representative of a season.   Winter   We will explore composition with a variety of winter twigs and stems, working mainly with graphite pencils looking at tone and texture. We will also add interesting ‘pops’ of colour.  Spring   With the joys of spring flowers, we will learn to create a sense of depth using both graphite and coloured pencilwork.  Summer   Using seasonal fruit or vegetables, we will concentrate on establishing three dimensional form and the method of building colour.  Autumn   Our subject matter will be glorious leaves and berries, as the season provides, creating full-colour pictures with the medium of coloured pencils, the culmination of all aspects of instruction. Accessibility This is a ground floor venue but access to the room involves a few steps. Unfortunately the lift is not currently working, and will remain unavailable until funds are raised for repairs.   FAQs  How can I contact the organizer with any questions? You can contact Jane via email – janew@  What can I bring into the event? Do bring a bag or small portfolio to take home your drawing. And lunch if you plan to stay in the hall. | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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