If you’re ready to step away from diets, body shaming, fatigue, pain and weight gain, then it’s time to learn what is truly going on within your biochemistry, behaviours and brain. Join Erin Barnes, Next Generation Wellness, as she shares her insights into how you can break free from the dieting roller coaster, the search for the magic pill or program, crazy exercise schedules that you can’t maintain, lethargy, inflammation, and self-criticism around your body. Learn the 8 scientific and research proven steps to sustained optimal vitality and weight loss. Learn the real reasons diets are metabolically and biochemically designed to keep you on the rollercoaster. You will learn the metabolic impact of different foods, and how the changes to the way we live today are pressuring our body’s systems and signalling it to store body fat and initiate inflammation. We will debunk calorie counting, talk biochemical responses, so you can walk away with the steps to follow to get your body back on track, with balanced hormones, high firing metabolism, low inflammation, and a maintained weight for life! You’ll step inside the exclusive Next Generation Wellness 4C’s Coaching Methodology, and take away the easiest strategy to follow to get your body back on track and maintain weight and energy levels for life! The Next Generation Wellness 4C’s Methodology blends; BRAIN Science – neuroplasticity, positive psychology, emotional literacy, belief systems, thought processing, fear triggers…… BODY Science – human biology, cells, biochemistry, hormones, metabolism, physiology, gut, detoxification……. BEHAVIOURAL Science – nutrition, movement, self-care, mindfulness, leadership, cultural bias…… TICKET VALUE: $14.99 ATTENDEE BONUS: Your ticket includes a $12.95 gift, organic tea and educational resources MAX 12 WOMEN