Bickerton Hill Invertebrate Recording Day

A general invertebrate recording day at Bickerton Hill (SW Cheshire). This is a joint event with RECORD. Bickerton Hill lies to the south of the Sandstone Ridge at the southern tip of the Peckforton hills and covers approximately 280 acres. It was designated SSSI status in 1979 for it’s Lowland Heath habitat (of which little remains in Cheshire) and reptiles. Indeed the site has been known to support a population of Adders but none have been seen recently. Major efforts have been made by the National Trust to increase the area of Heathland, after large parts of the site had become wooded over many years. It will be interesting to see if any invertebrates strongly associated with lowland heathland are found on the day. Despite the popularity of the site, none of 4 x 1km squares that it overlaps with have had >100 invertebrates species (excl. leps) recorded since 1980.  Bickerton Hill SSSI Citation:  Booking essential: Further details regarding parking etc. will be circulated a week before the day. You will be notified of cancellation via email in the event of a forecast of adverse weather.  More site information This site is open to the public free of charge but permission is required to take voucher specimens.  

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