The CooperSurgical Center of Excellence invites you to join us in Livingston, NJ on Tuesday, August 4th, and Wednesday, August 5th for a two-day hands-on workshop. The workshop is intended to provide participants with core knowledge and introductory practical skills under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. It provides an overview of microscopy skill optimization, use of laser, trophectoderm biopsy techniques, and review of current PGT technology. Choice of pipets, media, and possible uses of the biopsied material will be discussed. Participants will learn to prepare the biopsy setting, perform assisted hatching using the laser, perform biopsy, and retrieve cells; participants will gain hands-on experience of these techniques using mouse embryos. This workshop is designed for embryologists currently working in an IVF clinic setting. If you are not working in an IVF setting please contact for placement. Instructors include: Tim Schimmel – Research Manager, ART of Washington, Inc. Kelly Ketterson – VP, CooperSurgical Center of Excellence Please register by July 28th to secure your spot. All training workshops are designed to maximize instructor and peer interaction; thus, space is limited. Questions? Please contact our Center of Excellence