Azusa Pacific University School of Education Info Meeting…

On June 3, Azusa Pacific University (APU) School of Education offers an Information Meeting and a time of Q&A at the Azusa Campus for prospective students who are interested in learning more about our program offerings. Prior to the meeting, we will share a video with you which provides details on your program of interest. Please view the video in the comfort of your home and bring your questions to meeting. Faculty will be available for a time of questions and answers.  An overview of APU’s School of Education and program offerings Application requirements for APU’s School of Education programs Cost of programs  Financial aid, scholarships, and grants TEACHER PREPARATION: Masters’ degrees with embedded Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Special Education Mild to Moderate, or Special Education Moderate to Severe credentials  PUPIL PERSONNEL SERVICES: M.A. Ed. School Counseling with embedded School Counseling Credential  M.A. Ed. School Psychology and Ed.S. School Psychology with embedded School Psychology Credential  Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Certificate  LPCC Respecialization Certificate in Clinical Counseling  EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP:  M.A. Ed Educational Leadership with PASC Please RSVP for this meeting so that we can make plans for you. We know that choosing to enter into a graduate degree program is a big decision for you and your family. Your significant other is welcome to attend with you. This meeting is not open to children.  Refreshments will be served.  Check-in begins at 5:30pm and the meeting will begin promptly at 6:00pm.  *If you are unable to attend this event and would like to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Program Representative, please proceed to the registration page and choose the «Unable to attend the event» option. A program representative will contact you to schedule an appointment.  Do you know of someone who would benefit from this information? Please feel free to share this invitation with them. 

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