Assessing Capacity for Providers

A one day course for care providers to develop knowledge and skills in assessing mental capacity, evidence MCA decision making, identifying deprivation of liberty and how authorisation is obtained.  Please see below the learning outcomes for Assessing Capacity for Providers; 1) Understand the link between the MCA(2005) and the Human Rights Act (1998) and the requirements upon public bodies and care providers to offer services in a way that supports ***** autonomy and encourages positive risk taking. 2) Know how to apply the 5 Statutory Principles (Section 1) of the MCA (2005) in practice; including how to apply and evidence the legal test for capacity (Sections 2 and 3), and how to determine best interests according to the MCA checklist (Section 4). 3) Know how to provide evidence of MCA decision making in a way that is sufficient and proportionate. 4) Understand the MCA provision for future planning; including the powers and limitations of a) Powers of Attorney, b) Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatments and c) Court Appointed Deputies 5) Be able to identify a Deprivation of Liberty and know how authorisation is obtained under schedule A1 (DoLS) or from the Court of Protection under Section 16 of the Act (Community DoL).

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