AnOtherShoe@WeMake / Makers in Residence

The residency includes two workshops, an exhibition and a talk. The workshops and all the practical activities will be hosted at WeMake, meanwhile the projects presentation and public talks will be held in the prestigious frame of Tortona design district at Emporio Opificio 31, in Via Tortona 31. AnoOtherShoe will be featured in the exhibition The future of Italian heritage, Fuorisalone of CNA Milano Monza Brianza, April 13th – 17th. The presentation of the project will be held on Friday April, 15th 5-7 PM at Emporio Opificio 31: AnOtherShoe – Prospectives on open source and distributed production. Participants: Eugenia Morpurgo – AnOtherShoe, designer Zoe Romano – WeMake Makerspace, co-founder Serena Cangiano – SUPSI researcher and interaction designer Moderator: Giovanna Massoni – curator of the triennial for social innovation Reciprocity design Liège (B)

23829547819 Hands-on activities: The first workshop AnOtherShoe will take place on April 11-12th, admission reserved to designers.


The second workshop, open to the public, will take place at WeMake on Saturday April 16th,

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