2019 Mira Mesa Senior Center Christmas Party & Holiday Be…

Join Mira Mesa Senior Center for the 2nd Annual Christmas Party & Holiday Charity Benefit! Friday, December 6, 2019 5PM – 10PM Mira Mesa Senior Center Program Includes: Dinner – Main Entrees: Seasoned Baron of Beef & Pork Tenderloin with Dinner Trimmings / Vegetarian Entree: Grilled Portobello, Veggies & Mozarella Cheese, Sauces & Sun-Dried Tomato Special Guest: Floyd A. Smith Bass Baritone Singer for the Legendary “5th Dimension” Cost: $30 per person (Proceeds benefit MMSC) Please prepay at the Senior Center by November 19, 2019 & Final order of Vegetarian Entree ______________________ Floyd A. Smith Bio As a Bass Baritone Professional Singer, Floyd A. Smith, amazes his audiences with an incredible three (3) octave vocal range. In 2008, Floyd signed on as the bass singer for the 6th Time Grammy Award winning group, the Legendary «5th Dimension», with such hits as «Up, Up and Away», «Wedding Bell Blues», «One Less Bell to Answer» and many more. Floyd is the image voice for the Internet Radio Station, «GroovinU.com» and has done voice overs for various national product lines and commercials. He is the Founder and CEO of «Wounded, Ill and Injured, Music Therapy for Veterans, Inc.» The purpose of the nonprofit organization is to provide quality music therapy services to veterans with physical, mental and emotional disabilities in acquiring the necessary skills to live purposeful lives as active members of their community. As a passionate philanthropist, Floyd’s performances haves help raise over $400,000 for the Lions Club, as well as other organizations such as Rady Children’s Hospital, Haiti Earthquake Disaster Victims, the Tsunami Victims of Japan, and the Hat’s and Heels Domestic Abuse Foundation. Floyd Performance Demo: ______________________ Tickets available at: MMSC appreciates and also welcomes donations at: For more info about Mira Mesa Senior Center, visit:

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