Let Big Data Drive Excellence ICBIB 2019 Registration through Eventbrite incurs an extra charge. Registration through no extra charges. ICBIB 2019 aims to foster growth and research in the multi-faceted field of Big Data in Business by bringing together esteemed academicians to present their latest research and breakthroughs in the field. In addition, this conference aims to promote collaborative excellence between academicians and industry professionals by bringing together researchers and practitioners who strive to keep ahead of the curve by applying the latest research in the field. The conference will provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research and bring forth technological advances. Call For Papers ICBIB 2019 will be a meeting platform for international researchers in the field of business to discuss and debate big data advances and applications. We envisage studies that reflect upon and provide innovative solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of the academic field of business studies. The conference targets research related to using and applying big data and data analysis tools in the following or related domains: The conference proceedings will be published online with ISSN 2632-6132. Selected papers will be submitted to Scopus-indexed journals. Management Big data and its value for SMEs Understanding competition using big data Accounting Enhanced assessment techniques Growth rate predictions using big data Finance and Banking Big data in finance and banking FinTech Credit risk assessment Direction of financial markets Liquid asset pricing Security Human Resources Just-in-time talent demands and long-term planning Aligning workforce analytics with the larger business strategy Applying analytics across the talent lifecycle Workforce planning and building Getting ahead of AI and technology trends Understanding socio-economic changes and the future of work Marketing Measuring, evaluating and predicting the social consumer Multi-platform consumer engagement Benefits of social and mobile support strategies Mobile marketing Social media marketing Emerging trends in marketing research Exploiting data to build innovative marketing and e-commerce strategies Cross-channel effects and synergies in digital and traditional advertising Measuring consumer behavioral changes Algorithmic bias in advertisement delivery Promoting and protecting brands Retail Evolution of customer service driven by big data Predicting consumer trends Innovation and Entrepreneurship Creating new experiences, services and products Sustainability in Business Eliminating overlap using big data Business Education Big data in the business curriculum Future of business education Business Ethics Studying customer behavior to avoid fraud Business Intelligence and Analytics Big data for risk management Valuation of customers using big data Presenting data effectively Important Dates Submission Deadline – August 3, 2019 Author Notification – September 15, 2019 Final Manuscript – October 3, 2019 Conference – October 29-31, 2019