2018-2019 NESH 8 Weekend Course in Portland, Oregon: Week…

The New England School of Homeopathy will be offering our 8 Weekend Develop Expertise in Homeopathy Course in Portland, Oregon beginning January 2018. Study with NESH if you want to … – Nourish your love & passion for homeopathy regardless of your current level of experience. – Understand homeopathic remedies in a concise, yet robust way without the memorization of long lists of symptoms. – Learn a streamlined approach to case taking & analysis to bring efficacy and time-efficiency into your prescribing. The class is held for three days (Friday-Sunday), 8 times over 17 months. We meet from 6-9pm on Friday evening, and from 9am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday. For dates & more details, see: This class is designed for experienced homeopaths as well as beginners. It is open to medical, naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians, acupuncturists, nurses, therapists, veterinarians, all medical school students, and serious lay people interested in the practice of classical homeopathy. Drs. Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg, well-known authors, lecturers and original thinkers in this field, are both 1986 graduates of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (now NUNM) and have taught the art and science of homeopathy to 1000’s of practitioners in the US & abroad for going on 30 years. We are also offering a parallel 8 Weekend Course in Vancouver, BC Canada. Details for that course can be found here: To read what others have said about the course: Please help spread the word. Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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