The DASCHE conference is dedicated to the topic of social competences in higher education. We bring together researchers and practitioners from the field of higher education in order to generate networks, exchange concepts and experiences as well as stimulate discussion. The presenation of research results on social competences in six EU countries is the core concern ot the DASCHE conference. The meaning and potential of social competences in an active and connected Europe are thus made accessible to an international discourse. Social competences emerge and show themselves in social togetherness. Within the framework of higher education, this concerns the management and leadership level, the level of university lecturers and that of students. In order to counter the diversity of these perspectives, the conference programme explicitly addresses all these areas, while the scope is on social competence in teaching and learning within higher education. Political and societal contexts are touched, as they affect the design of higher education.The first international DASCHE conference is open to everybody interested. It delivers a whole day of interesting offers to listen to and to discuss with. It also invites everybody to learn and involve new impulses and insights to his or her own professional work. Get the program on the DASCHE homepage: (coming up!) The second international DASCHE conference will take place in Warsaw/Poland in early 2020. Save the date! You also find us on facebook and researchgate. Entfernen oder Ereignis zu aktualisieren