11. ORGAN VIDA Međunarodni festival fotografije – Neodlučne slike | 02/09 – 04/10/2020 11th ORGAN VIDA Photography Festival – Hesitant Images | 02/09 – 04/10/2020 [ENGLISH BELOW ] ► MSU Zagreb: «Neodlučne slike» (grupna izložba) Meriem Bennani: Misija tinejdžerke Filip Custic: ◾crno-bijelo ◽ Victoria Sin: Narativne refleksije o gledanju OTVORENJE: 02/09 u 20h | TRAJANJE: 02/09 – 04/10 | Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb ► Galerija Karas: Katarina Juričić «Orange&Blue: Echo» OTVORENJE: 03/09 u 18h | TRAJANJE: 03/09 – 13/09 | Ul. kralja Zvonimira 58, Zagreb ► GMK: Deni Horvatić «SCAN» OTVORENJE: 03/09 u 20h | TRAJANJE: 03/09 – 17/09 | Šubićeva 29, Zagreb ► Galerija Zvonimir: Borders – Verena Blok, Stefanie Zofia Schulz i Marvin Bonheur OTVORENJE: 04/09 u 20h | TRAJANJE: 04/09 – 30/09 | Ul. Antuna Bauera 33, Zagreb Međunarodni fotografski festival Organ Vida okuplja umjetni/ce iz cijelog svijeta koj/e rade u mediju fotografije i/ili u njezinom proširenom obliku i čiji radovi odgovaraju zadanoj temi ovogodišnjeg festivala «Neodlučne slike». Na izložbi sudjeluje deset međunarodnih umjetni/ca izabranih putem javnog poziva od strane međunarodnog žirija u sastavu: Christian Siekmeier, Katrina Sluis, Steph Kretowicz, Mirjam Kooiman i Vesna Meštrić. To su: ● Liza Ambrossio «Blood Orange» ● Martha Frieda Friedel «éclat» ● Marko Gutić Mižimakov «Cruising the Manifold, Disoriented» ● Zhao Qian «A Field Guide» ● Oskar Schmidt «Liquid» ● Samar Al Summary «Trust Beauty Bank» ● Indrė Urbonaitė «Flamingos, Moonrise and the Slippers» ● Emilio Vavarella «Amazon’s Stravaganza: A Personal Index of Infinite Consumption» ● Shelli Weiler «Fabulations» ● Alba Zari «THE Y» Organ Vida u središte 11. izdanja festivala stavlja materijalnost slike – radove koji problematiziraju i proširuju poimanje reprezentacije. “Neodlučnost” iz naslova proizlazi iz specifičnog vida presijecanja fikcije i fakcije. Zastupljeni radovi temelje se na slikama koje su u isto vrijeme eksplicitno “lažne”, “nestvarne”, “falsificirane” i “autentične”, no njihova se autentičnost očituje u tome što pokazuju napetosti i kontradikcije suvremene digitalne kulture. Naglasak je dakle na slikama koje polaze od vlastite konstruiranosti i fabriciranosti, koje se umjetničkom intervencijom značenjski usložnjavaju, kompliciraju i na vidjelo iznose upravo one procese koji konstrukciju uvjetuju i/ili dovode do komodifikacije, ne uskraćujući pritom gledatelj/ici fantaziju. Zanimaju nas slike čija se političnost očituje prvenstveno u tome kako, a ne isključivo u tome što reprezentiraju. Uz glavnu izložbu finalista/ica festivalska tema bit će upotpunjena s tri site-specific izložbe/instalacije pozvanih međunarodnih umjetni/ca: ● Meriem Bennani ● Filip Custic ● Victoria Sin ► Meriem Bennani: «Misija tinejdžer/ke» Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb OTVORENJE: 02/09 u 20h | TRAJANJE: 02/09 – 04/10 Inspiriran tinejdžerskim filmovima, reality televizijom i web-serijama, fikcionalni dokumentarac «Misija tinejdžerke» Meriem Bennani (r. 1988, Rabat, Maroko, živi u New Yorku) prati svakodnevne aktivnosti skupine učeni/ca škole Descartes, francuske srednje škole u Rabatu, kako u učionici tako i kod kuće. Kroz propitivanja, refleksije i aspiracije učeni/ca, umjetnica, odnosno magarac – njezin animirani avatar iza kamere, istražuje učinak obrazovnog sustava koji je naslijeđen iz razdoblja francuske prisutnosti u Maroku, a koji je danas rezerviran za lokalnu elitu. Meriem Bennani istražuje suvremeno društvo, razlomljene identitete i kulturne razlike koje ga sačinjavaju, te teme kao što su rod i hegemonija digitalne tehnologije. ► Filip Custic: (crno-bijelo) Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb OTVORENJE: 02/09 u 20h | TRAJANJE: 02/09 – 04/10 Ispreplitanje tehnologije i identiteta prisutno je u radu španjolsko-hrvatskog umjetnika Filipa Custica (r. 1993, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Španjolska) koji istražuje što znači biti čovjek u sadašnjosti i neposrednoj budućnosti. Custic će se predstaviti izložbom u dvije konceptualno različite prostorije koje pružaju uvid u njegovu umjetničku prošlost te formiraju svojevrsnu retrospektivu, i budućnost u kojoj središnji element postaje tehnološka skulpturalna slika koja funkcionira kao otjelotvorena inačica umjetnika. Svoje radove shvaća kao «virtualne slike», odnosno digitalna platna sa snažnom likovnom komponentom u kojima kombinira scenografske i kostimografske vještine. ► Victoria Sin: «Narativne refleksije o gledanju» Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb OTVORENJE: 02/09 u 20h | TRAJANJE: 02/09 – 04/10 U višekanalnoj umjetničkoj instalaciji umjetni⁞ca Victoria Sin (r. 1991, Toronto, Kanada) istražuje dinamiku moći i žudnje koja se uspostavlja kroz iskustvo poistovjećivanja sa slikama. Referencirajući svojom drag personom filmski vizualni jezik te druge sisteme gledanja koji definiraju ženstvenost i ženstvena tijela, Sin u ovom radu ujedno utjelovljuje i parodira zapadnjačke ideale ljepote te upućuje na širu problematiku društvene konstrukcije roda, ženstvenosti te njihovog odnosa. Organ Vida: Kustosi/ce: Barbara Gregov, Lovro Japundžić, Klara Petrović, Luja Šimunović, Lea Vene Kustoska suradnica: Vesna Meštrić Dizajn: Alma Šavar Odnosi s javnošću: Inesa Antić Prijevod: Veronika Mesić, Tihana Bertek Fotograf: Damir Žižić Glavni partner festivala: MSU Zagreb Program podržavaju: Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, Gradski ured za kulturu Grada Zagreba i Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) Hvala: Studio B-nula, Uramljivanje slika Ramasutra, Print studio Anula [ENGLISH] 11th ORGAN VIDA Photography Festival – Hesitant Images 02/09 – 04/10/2020 ► Museum of Contemporary Art: ‘Hesitant Images’ (group exhibition) | Meriem Bennani: ‘Mission Teens’ | Filip Custic: ◾crno-bijelo ◽ | Victoria Sin: ‘Narrative Reflections on Looking’ OPENING 02/09 at 20:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD 02/09 – 04/10 | Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb ►Gallery Karas: Katarina Juričić ‘Orange&Blue: Echo’ OPENING: 03/09 at 18:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD: 03/09 – 13/09 | Ul. kralja Zvonimira 58, Zagreb ► GMK: Deni Horvatić ‘SCAN’ OEPNING: 03/09 at 20:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD: 03/09 – 17/09 | Šubićeva 29, Zagreb ► Gallery Zvonimir: Borders – Verena Blok, Stefanie Zofia Schulz i Marvin Bonheur OPENING: 04/09 at 20:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD: 03/09 – 17/09 Ul. Antuna Bauera 33, , Zagreb International Photography Festival Organ Vida gathers artists from around the world who work with the medium of photography and/or its expanded form or whose work agrees with this years’ festival topic – “Hesitant Images.” The exhibition will present ten international artists who applied via an open call and whose works were selected by an international jury constituted by: Christian Siekmeier, Katrina Sluis, Steph Kretowicz, Mirjam Kooiman and Vesna Meštrić. The exhibition will feature: ● Liza Ambrossio ‘Blood Orange’ ● Martha Frieda Friedel ‘éclat’ ● Marko Gutić Mižimakov ‘Cruising the Manifold, Disoriented’ ● Zhao Qian ‘A Field Guide’ ● Oskar Schmidt ‘Liquid’ ● Samar Al Summary ‘Trust Beauty Bank’ ● Indrė Urbonaitė ‘Flamingos, Moonrise and the Slippers’ ● Emilio Vavarella ‘Amazon’s Stravaganza: A Personal Index of Infinite Consumption’ ● Shelli Weiler ‘Fabulations’ ● Alba Zari ‘THE Y’ The 11th edition of Organ Vida focuses on the materiality of the image – the works that discuss and expand the understanding of representation. The “hesitancy” in the title arises from a specific form of the intersection of facts and fiction. The featured works are based on images that are simultaneously explicitly “fake,” “unreal,” “falsified” and “authentic,” but whose authenticity is manifested in the fact that they portray the tensions and contradictions of contemporary digital culture. The emphasis is on the images that count upon their own constructed and fabricated nature, using artistic intervention to semantically complicate and compound and bring to light precisely those processes that condition and/or lead to its commodification, but without depriving us of fantasy. We are interest in images that are political primarily in terms of how rather than what they represent. Along with the main exhibition featuring the work of the finalists, the festival will also feature three site-specific exhibitions/installations by invited international artists: ● Meriem Bennani ● Filip Custic ● Victoria Sin ► Meriem Bennani: Mission Teens Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb OPENING: 02/09 at 20:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD: 02/09 – 04/10 Inspired by teen movies, reality television and web series, this fictional documentary follows the everyday activities of a group of students from Descartes high school, the French high school in Rabat, as they go from classroom to home. Through the questioning, reflections, and aspirations of the students, the artist, or rather the donkey—her animated avatar behind the camera—investigates the impact of an educational system inherited from French presence in Morocco, which today is reserved for the local elite. Meriem Bennani explores contemporary society, its fractured identities and cultural disparities, and questions of gender and the hegemony of digital technology. ► Filip Custic: (crno-bijelo) Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb OPENING: 02/09 at 20:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD: 02/09 – 04/10 The intertwining of technology and identity is thematized by the work of the Spanish-Croatian artist Filip Custic (born in 1993, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain) who explores what it means to be human in today’s world and what it will mean in the imminent future. Custic will present himself with an exhibition set in two bicolor rooms that offer a glimpse into his artistic past and constitute, in a way, a retrospective, and the future, in which the central piece becomes a technological and sculptural image that functions as a materialized version of the artist. He sees his works as “virtual images,” digital canvases with a strong visual art element in which he combines his skills as a set and costume designer. ► Victoria Sin: Narrative Reflections on Looking Museum of Contemporary Art, Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb OPENING: 02/09 at 20:00 | EXHIBITION PERIOD: 02/09 – 04/10 In a multi-channel artistic installation, the artist Victoria Sin (born in 1991, Toronto, Canada) explores the dynamics of power and desire that is established through the experience of identification with images. Referencing with their drag persona the visual language of film, as well as other systems of looking that define femininity and feminine bodies, in this work Sin at the same time embodies and parodies the Western ideals of beauty and points to the wider issue of social construction of gender, femininity and their relation. Organ Vida: Curators: Barbara Gregov, Lovro Japundžić, Klara Petrović, Luja Šimunović and Lea Vene. Associate curator: Vesna Meštrić Design: Alma Šavar Public relations: Inesa Antić Translation: Veronika Mesić i Tihana Bertek Photographer: Damir Žižić Main Festival partner: MSU Zagreb. The program is supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb – City Office for Culture and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E). Acknowledgments: Studio B-nula, Uramljivanje slika Ramasutra, Print studio Anula Fievent.com | Kontakt | Privacy | Terms