Ghana Yoga Retreat
The GHANA YOGA RETREAT will be a fulfilling African cultural and spiritual experience for 2 weeks! Discover the motherland with our Ghanaian tour. Explore local farms, hiking, the marketplace, Fort Batenstein, Cape Coast Castle and more Three major festivals are taking place in April: Jintigi Fire Festival, Dipo Festival and…
Le spectacle d’Élisapie Isaac qui devait avoir lieu le samedi 19 mai 2018 est reporté au 9 février 2019. Pourquoi me direz-vous? Parce que la belle Élisapie donnera naissance à un nouveau membre de sa famille et qu’elle sera en congé maternité à ces dates là. Congé? Pas vraiment car…
Electro-Pop Party
Electro-Pop Party is the season opener for this year’s round of premium level house parties hosted by your local, student run digital productions company, unaffiliated with our favourite local university (take a wild guess which one). We throw better events every year as our production value grows and this fall…